The Most Powerful All in One Wholesaling Software!
Become an Elite Wholesaler from Just $49/mo
in Your Wholesaling Real Estate Journey!
We Use the Same Data & Lists as the Industry Leading Data Software’s in Wholesaling!
We take the best data in the game and use Al to analyze over 100 Motivated Pain Points in Your Lists to Score & Stack the Most Motivated Sellers!
We Use Al to Find the Best Buyers for Your Deals and Auto Match Right When You Lock up a Deal! We Also Help You Market Your Deals with Custom Deal Websites & Email Blasting!
Up to 60,000 Skiptraced Recorded Included on XLeads Plans where you get the highest quality skiptracing completely for free! Every single Cash Buyer & Seller Lead has phone number data and emails right at your fingertips!
Search for the highest quality real estate leads. Search from thousands of sellers, buyers, and data points! Every single real estate leads from sellers to buyers has free skiptracing as its meant to!
We have the easiest & fastest comping & property research tools in real estate software. Our instant wholesale price gets you ready to make an offer instantly!
We automatically have AI find the leads in your market with the most motivated factors that are 217% more likely to sell for a discount to wholesalers! We score these leads from 0 to 1,000! 1,000 be the most motivated!
The cost of Software
Stop Paying OVERPAYING for Disposition Tools!
We instantly score and rank the best buyers in your market by Flippers, Landlord, and Hedge Funds! Speed Up Your Disposition Process!
With our Ultimate Dispo Blaster Tool! You Can Pull, Skip, and Email Blast Your Deals to Cash Buyers to Your Unique Deal Listings Page!
Ninja Mode is the ultimate AI powered CRM where you attack your leads like a highly skilled ninja! You are able to organize your leads, call them, text them, use AI to follow up with your leads via calling or texting, and add unlimited workflows and automation sequences so you can dominate your leads and become the ultimate ninja in wholesaling real estate! Ninja Mode also has an E-signing service, website builder, and Dialer access included with all plans
We offer the best skiptracing, high quality mobile app, mobile D4D App, Daily Updated Data, MLS & Land Info, and So Much More!!
The All in One Wholesaling Software
XLEADS sources its data from the same high-quality providers trusted by industry-leading wholesaling data companies. However, we go a step further by leveraging advanced AI to generate unique datasets exclusive to XLEADS. Enjoy the same exceptional quality, but with the added advantage of daily data refreshes—something our competitors don’t offer.
Effortlessly organize and engage leads, automate follow-ups, and close deals faster with advanced features like AI-powered calling and texting, e-signing, website building, workflows for follow ups, Complete Real Estate CRM and more with the ultimate CRM for wholesaling real estate
XLEADS boasts a cutting-edge disposition platform that rivals the top software in the wholesaling real estate industry. Our advanced AI algorithm streamlines the process of finding buyers, marketing deals, and closing sales swiftly, ensuring you get your deals sold faster than ever before.
While many wholesaling marketing companies boast about using AI, it often falls short of expectations. At XLEADS, our AI is truly transformative—stacking and scoring the best leads to ensure wholesaling success. Discover the most likely properties to sell without the hassle of manual filtering, though you always have the option to customize your own filters if needed.
Unlock Free Unlimited Skip Tracing with XLeads—No Hidden Costs, No Limits
Many wholesaling platforms claim to offer ‘free skip tracing,’ but often at the cost of outdated, recycled data and low contact rates. Their LLC and cash buyer data can also be unreliable. With XLEADS, you receive up to 60,000 real estate records every month, with skip tracing included! XLEADS gives you unlimited, high-quality skip tracing for both sellers and buyers, all at no extra cost. Enjoy the most powerful data solution at your fingertips!
The XLEADS Difference!
Unlike Most Real Estate Softwares, We Don’t Pay 50% Affiliates every Month. We Make You the Affiliate and Pass on the Savings to You! When You Save, You Also Bundle. Compare below the cost of having to sign up for all softwares to get the same features as XLEADS!
Then $199/mo
Then $249/mo
billed annually
billed annually
billed annually
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